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Top 10 images by rating
1 2006 Grand Summer Ball Jersey International Air Display Darren Dupre Grand Summer Ball 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
2 Arrows Daz Roberts Airport Static 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
3 Avenger Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 5.00 (6 Vote(s))
4 B-17 onecheesey Airport Static 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
5 B-17 Ken Bishop Air Display 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
6 B25 Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Airport Static 5.00 (4 Vote(s))
7 Bear Ken Bishop Airport Static 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
8 Black Cats JerseyJack2317 Air Display 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
9 Black Cats Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
10 Black Hawk Daz Roberts Airport Static 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by votes
1 Dornier D024 In Flight Paul Holley Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 4.66 (20 Vote(s))
2 P47 Thunderbolt Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 4.76 (17 Vote(s))
3 Eurofighter Typhoon Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 4.23 (15 Vote(s))
4 red & blue jimval1 Air Display 4.00 (9 Vote(s))
5 Comp71 webmaster 2004 Photo Competition 4.62 (8 Vote(s))
6 Avenger Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 5.00 (6 Vote(s))
7 Eurofighter Typhoon Andy Hare (ptsphotographic) Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 3.83 (6 Vote(s))
8 Comp43 webmaster 2004 Photo Competition 4.20 (5 Vote(s))
9 F16 Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 4.00 (5 Vote(s))
10 And Break en830 Air Display 4.50 (4 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by hits
1 Spitfire and Hurricane kriste Air Display 49076
2 Tutor Andy Hare (ptsphotographic) Airport Static 46357
3 AAC Lynx Andy Hare (ptsphotographic) Airport Static 41558
4 Dornier D024 In Flight Paul Holley Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 39734
5 Eurofighter Typhoon Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 39341
6 Black Cats Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 39053
7 Morane Saulnier 760 (Paris) Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 39053
8 AN2 Sparkvark Air Display 38196
9 And Break en830 Air Display 37753
10 Avenger Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 37201
Top 10 images by downloads
1 Dornier D024 In Flight Paul Holley Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 2958
2 P47 Thunderbolt Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 1933
3 Eurofighter Typhoon Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 1886
4 Spitfire and Hurricane kriste Air Display 1862
5 Mike Stanway FCC Melvyn Hiscock Behind the Scenes 1828
6 Eurofighter Typhoon Andy Hare (ptsphotographic) Hot Pics - Photos on the Fly! 1782
7 Spitfire Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 1702
8 Morane Saulnier 760 (Paris) Paul Johnson (PJP Images) Air Display 1671
9 Reds stu Air Display 1529
10 B-17 onecheesey Airport Static 1525